Fights and arguments in public are common sightings. However, what is interesting about this fight is that besides being violent and aggressive, it also looked almost comical.
In a 51-second video that has been widely circulated online, a man wearing a purple T-shirt can be seen provoking another man in a white T-shirt, as if daring him to fight.
First, the man in purple stepped onto the wheelchair landing where the man in white was standing.

Then, he moved very near the man in white, making strange sounds and bringing his face close to the other’s.
After about 17 seconds of deliberately pushing his buttons, the man in purple slapped the other man’s face, causing him to finally snap.

The man in white started landing a series of hard and fast punches on the first man’s face, eventually causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground.

He then stood back up to engage in a fight but fell again shortly after.
Netizens’ reactions
In the comments, netizens found it funny how the man in purple was taken aback by the man in white’s sudden burst of aggression.
“It’s always the quiet ones that are dangerous.”

“He didn’t know that he has the blood of Manny Pacquiao.”

A misunderstanding
Later, a netizen who claims to be the older brother of the man in purple made a post in response to the viral video.
He pleaded with the public to leave his younger brother alone if they were to encounter him behaving aggressively.
“If you see him acting aggressively and screaming, please leave the area and PM me,” he said, adding that his brother has schizophrenia and is receiving treatment from a psychiatry clinic.
“He wouldn’t bother anyone if it wasn’t for his condition. He went to town yesterday after my late mother’s funeral,” he said.
Watch the full video below:
Difahamkan berlaku di Lahad Datu…Geram plak min tengok…min suka tengok baju putih tu mcm Manny Pacquiao ?Video : Ichigo Kurusaki
Posted by OrangKunak on Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Thankfully, the fight was not fatal!
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