In sickness and in health, till death do us part; that’s how most wedding vows tend to go. And for many couples, the promise is one that they take pretty seriously, as they are willing to stand by their significant other through thick and thin, regardless of the circumstances.
But this doesn’t necessarily apply to every couple, as this Tweet recently uploaded by netizen @danielht2009 goes to show.

Source: Twitter
In his Tweet, Daniel tries to appeal to the police for help over a domestic altercation that was caught on video. If you’re curious to watch it, here it is:
In case you didn’t wan’t to see the video play out, let us explain what happened. The man in this video, Howard, who is 64-years-old, has been suffering from a stroke and Alzheimers for some time now. And being the dutiful wife to her husband, his wife, 35-year-old Julianna, took on the responsibility of taking care of him. This incident allegedly happened in Indonesia.

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
But eventually, taking care of a man who is no longer ‘normal’ took its toll on Julianna. Frustrated that he would always defecate himself in his own pants, more so this time when he began to scratch at his own buttocks the moment he defecated, Julianna vented her frustrations on him with violent anger.

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter
Reaching for his walking cane, she then uses it to hit him over the head and body multiple times. Howard can be seen shouting in pain, but it doesn’t deter her efforts to continue hitting him.
“Die! Why won’t you just die!”, she shouts.
According to a statement from Julianna, she says she wouldn’t mind divorcing him, but only under one condition:
“I will only divorce him if he leaves me with 1 billion Rupiah (RM295,000).”
The police were called to their home after their domestic altercation and it is said that Howard has been brought back to his own family to be cared for.
Given what has happened, we hope that Howard’s family keeps him well away from Julianna and he will be put into proper care given his condition.
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