Burgers, fried chicken and Indomie are three types of food that is eaten all over the world. It was only a matter of time that someone would combine all three to make the ultimate guilty pleasure! This is called Slide Indomie DM’s.

Made from Sriracha Mayo, a deep-fried chicken patty, Indomie Goreng, a fried egg, shallots and house-baked buns, the Slide Indomie DM’s is a delicious handcrafted burger by Suzie Dukes Burger & Grill in Australia. Based on the comments under the picture posted by the burger joint, the dish seems to receive positive feedback from all burger fans.

Sadly, as mentioned above, the Slide Indomie DM’s is only available in Australia. However, we are sure that it will not take much effort for a Malaysian store to replicate or even improve the recipe as there’s an abundance of ingredients for the burger here in Malaysia.
Feast your eyes on a video of the burger here:
Hopefully, we’d be able to sink our teeth into this delicious invention that combines all our favourites soon! What do you think of this burger? Would you like to have a taste too? Share with us your opinion in the comment section below.
Also read: This Indomie Goreng Sandwich is a Crowd Favourite in Sydney and We Don’t Know How to React