A man in China put on 100kg after excessively eating food that he ordered online, spending about 5,000 yuan (RM3,216) on food deliveries per month. According...
Although occurrences are rare, it does snow in Malaysia. Well, snow may be a bit of an overkill, but it does hailstorm in Malaysia. For those...
We all should know by now that some services may not operate after 8pm, following the SOPs set during lockdown. This one man visited an ATM...
Having cats as your companion at home can be a challenge. Often they will resort to doing weird things that you don’t really understand and these...
A 21-year-old Malaysian, who moved to Singapore for work, decided to find a place to rent, but his experience with the landlady and her weird ‘house...
One of the worst parts of the pandemic is the mundane routine of not exactly having much to do at home, especially for those who are...
Being homeless can be extremely despairing. After all, sleeping on sidewalks, not having food to eat or a place to shower and relieve one’s self isn’t...
Now that we’re well into our third Movement Control Order (MCO), many people are feeling the exhaustion of having to worry about their circumstances amidst the...
While many of us are slowly being exposed to the struggles of the underprivileged, there are still many of them out there who choose to struggle...
Sleeping on the job is one thing, but getting paid to do it? – That sounds like a dream job! A mattress company in the US...
It’s truly saddening when your family members and loved ones are affected by Covid-19. But, what happens to the children of those who have passed away...
Well, this little girl is definitely a deep sleeper. On 25 April, a video of a child sleeping in a car has gone viral on a...
We all know Sleeping Beauty as one of the famous Disney princesses but this girl from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia is perhaps a real-life Sleeping Beauty...
Cats are really something else. We can assume that they view the world as theirs and they have so many slaves around them (read: us) to...
It’s no secret that Malaysia is full of struggling people who have been forgotten and left to fend for themselves. One of these people is Uncle...
It’s common to snooze during class or when your mum is giving you a lengthy lecture, but dozing off in front of a traffic light in...