We all know Sleeping Beauty as one of the famous Disney princesses but this girl from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia is perhaps a real-life Sleeping Beauty after falling into a deep sleep for over a week!
According to Kompas.com, the now 16-year-old girl started experiencing abnormally long periods of sleep when she was just 13-years-old. Siti Raisa Miranda is said to suffer from Kleine-Levine syndrome, also known as, the sleeping beauty syndrome where she could fall asleep for days.
Due to their daughter’s abnormal condition, Raisa’s parents took her to the Regional General Hospital (RSUD), and she was diagnosed with epilepsy.

Raisa, 16, suffers from the sleeping beauty syndrome.
Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder where brain activity becomes abnormal and sometimes could cause unusual behavior and loss of consciousness.
Her parents knew that she was suffering from the syndrome since this is not the first time Raisa slept for days on end. When Raisa experiences the syndrome, her parents need to wake her up to feed her in case she gets hungry. They even have to take her to the bathroom.

For illustration purposes only
Raisa is a normal teen who plays with her friends and attends her online schools on a daily basis but once she experiences the syndrome, she could sleep for seven to eight days at a time.
Her parents are hoping she can recover from this so that she can experience a normal life like the rest of her peers.
As cool as the syndrome sounds, we hope Raisa receives the medical attention she needs to have this cured once and for all!
Also read: Deputy Minister Apologises After Video Of Him Falling Asleep During Official Ceremony Goes Viral