In this world where money equals survival, people have become rather closed off from being open to being generous. However, Hazwan Faiz is one of those...
Mara Digital Mall, which was launched in December 2015 has reportedly been losing its customers, but one of the retailers there begged to differ. According to...
Many people were overjoyed when news of Thailand’s 7-Eleven stores selling beer out of a machine became viral across Southeast Asia. Although a large group of beer-lovers...
If you live in the Klang Valley area then there are a few notable malls that you can visit to get all your information communications technology...
No doubt, Sephora is a beauty haven for all makeup and skincare junkies out there. The only problem? You end up spending half your salary on...
Shopaholics take note! From 1 January 2017 onwards, there will only be sales for four times a year according to the new rules by the Domestic...
Would you buy a box of cupcakes (5 pieces) for RM10 if the seller said the money would be used for his sister’s education? I’m sure...
After an amazing 11.11 single’s day sales that saw his company Alibaba rake in upwards of RM4 billion in just 5 minutes, Jack Ma decided to...
Samsung, I’m honestly running out of puns to ‘burn’ you with! Apparently, the tech giant has halted it’s production temporarily on it’s Galaxy Note 7 production line,...