Just a few days ago, it was announced that the MCO will be reinstated and enforced on all states except Sarawak beginning 22nd January due to...
Eager to buy gold after the drop in prices, 17 women were compounded RM1,000 each while six gold shop owners were also subjected to the same...
The world of online shopping has evolved so much that it could be overwhelming especially to those who don’t do a lot of it. For those...
Malaysians employed in sales and service sectors are largely at risk of losing their jobs to automation, as found in a report published by Khazanah Research...
Nikon has been a camera brand loved by Malaysians for years however in a statement yesterday (4 November), Nikon Malaysia announced that they will be ceasing...
While most of us are working from the comforts of our own homes, there are still many out there who are struggling to survive, unsure as...
Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Hasni Mohammad has revealed that the border between Singapore and the state needs to be opened soon as the state government will...
The parliament was told today (17 August 2020) that scams involving online sales of face masks during this Covid-19 pandemic have resulted in losses amounting to...
Dogs are one of the most giving, affectionate pets ever and they are the goodest bois and gals! This doggo in Brazil has a hard time...
Plastic chairs have claimed many victims in Malaysia, being a big culprit when it comes to shaming people in public. With numerous chair-breaking moments making its...
Due to the recent increase in drunk driving cases in Malaysia, it looks like our government may be looking into reviewing the sales of alcohol in...
The Parliament sessions in Dewan Rakyat has been going full swing since last week and netizens have been having a field day watching our politicians do...
A company in China fired an employee after she was hospitalised due to the punishment they gave her when she failed to meet her quota and...
Brands after brands are downsizing or even closing down for good after Covid-19 has impacted their sales. After hearing news of Esprit and Zara shutting down,...
If you’re planning on buying a new car, then we’ve got great news for you! Remember back in 2018 when GST was rescinded for SST and...
There’s been quite a number of drunk driving cases lately. So much so that our government has been looking into causes and ways to prevent it...