For the longest of time, there’s been a negative stigma revolving around women who wear headscarves. Bigots and closed-minded people often linked the hijab to weakness...
You may vaguely remember this infamous remark made by our Youth and Sports Minister, Datuk Seri Khairy Jamaluddin regarding jailed opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim...
Poverty is a social issue all countries have trouble solving, and that’s because it’s due to a multitude of factors and contexts. It remains a rampant...
Bed bugs are becoming quite a common problem in Malaysia lately. There have been several cases where unfortunate bus passengers got bitten endlessly by bed bugs...
Concerts are events where people come together to celebrate their love for music and temporarily forget their worries. However, in Malaysia, some people perceive concerts as...
Recently, the topic of a digital tax implementation has raised a lot of questions among Malaysians. What does it mean? What exactly does the tax cover?...
The latest meme that has been rocking the internet would have to be the ‘Elf on a Shelf’ meme. This new joke centres around the rhyme...
Cooking a simple meal as a means of survival may be easy enough but these two Malaysian chefs have taken things up a notch by winning...
The controversial Muslim-only launderette in Johor has garnered nationwide attention last week and it was finally put to rest after the Johor Sultan ordered the sign...
Guys, you should know by now that the the 14th General Elections will be coming soon right? All the signs are there! Yes, time flies and...
It’s great to see other countries enjoying our awesome Malaysian food. After all, food is one of the best ways to get to know a certain...
Whoever did this, we sure hope the authorities would put them behind bars for a very long time. Just yesterday, a disturbing picture of several dead...
Admittedly, not everyone will see eye to eye with how our government spends the taxpayer’s money. However, based on the latest report from the World Economic...
Well, this is awkward. We’re sure many of you heard the shocking news about a 24-year-old man allegedly assaulting a couple in Rome in front of...
Be careful with what you post online, people! According to Chinapress, a man in his 40s has just been sentenced to seven days in jail and...
Doing a good deed is usually pretty simple; we only need to open up our hearts and mind. However, due to dishonesty, Malaysians have become quite...