Batik Air, previously known as Malindo Air has apologised for the recent 8-hour delay, following instructions from Transport Minister, Anthony Loke. According to the airline’s Public...
Despite a confiscation order being issued, the operator of the unlicensed fun fair in Puncak Alam allegedly still stubbornly continued operations, leading to the incident involving...
A newly-wed couple are suffering through paying off a loan after they attempted to make their parents’ dream of having a luxurious wedding ceremony come true....
Weddings are expensive, with tens of thousands spent on the regular. At many weddings, there is an unspoken rule that those attending should bring a present...
There are people in the world who love their pets so much, that they would treat them like people by taking them out like babies in...
Are you a beachfront, nature resort kind of person or are you a smack in the middle of the city kind of person? If you are...
As certain entertainers in Malaysia’s entertainment industry start to gain traction, it is inevitable that they get compared with their similar counterparts back in Hollywood. Some...
The five-star hotel, The Datai Langkawi, has temporarily ceased operations after 16 employees tested positive Covid-19. Based on a report by Astro Awani, the luxury hotel...
A 38-year-old Singaporean woman who died of lung cancer refused to allow her funeral to be a solemn affair. Hence, she decided to arrange for complimentary...
A total of 28 people were confirmed to be infected with Covid-19 after attending a wedding ceremony in Kampung Orang Asli Langkap near Ipoh. Based on...
As we all know, weddings are expensive affairs. It can be quite upsetting when some guests RSVP and then later decide not to show up –...
What would you do if you were asked to wash your own dishes at a wedding? After blowing their wedding budget on a gorgeous and expensive...
Five people were compounded RM4,000 each after they were found gathered for a feast to celebrate the birth of a grandchild at a house in Kampung...
As the cases rise, we’ve got to do whatever’s needed! When Malaysia recorded 6,075 cases yesterday (19 May), it’s safe to say the pandemic fear nestled...
Resorts World Genting just announced that as of 6pm, 16 February 2021 they have resumed operations but will however obey the strict SOPs imposed in place....
While we all definitely need a pick-me-up after the year we’ve had, but is a massive crowd event really what the people need right now? Despite...