When we choose between employment offers, we firstly look at the salary that’s being presented, and then the benefits the company provides in their efforts to...
Sushi King has been a part of our childhood and we were always happy when our parents would bring us to the conveyor belt restaurant as...
With extreme prejudice, netizen @aizadfahmy slammed a fellow, who shall not be named in this article for safety purposes, for suggesting that we Malaysians have too...
A burst pipe has caused a part of a road in Bandar Utama to collapse! So, today afternoon (18 October) a pipe burst near First Avenue junction...
After 80 years, Malaysia’s oldest and longest-running publication, Utusan Melayu Bhd, finally closes down today due to severe financial constraints. They announced that they could carry...
Researchers at Penn State and the University of Buffalo found that those who fake their smiles at the office may lead to heavier drinking after hours....
This is the nightmare we’ve all imagined when going to a funfair. A 4-year-old girl fell from the height of two storeys yesterday when she was...
Be careful, people! News of unscrupulous people pretending to be employees from government agencies and ‘checking’ houses is circulating. Apparently, this has been happening in Kahang,...
Fast food restaurants may not sell the healthiest of foods, but not only are they delicious and convenient, but they also offer job opportunities to those...
Those who work in the customer service line and retail industry can vouch for this finding! On March 2019, a research published in the Journal of...
Does your employer encourage you to go on leave and also never bothers you when you’re on vacay mode? We hope that’s the case because experts...
At a work place, people come and go. It’s only normal when someone moves on to pursue perhaps a different job, acquire different skillsets, or basically...
Ok, this is worrying! According to The Star, about one in 20 potential employees in Malaysia possess fake qualifications. Meanwhile, one in 10 people has qualifications...
When we think about success, we are often reminded of our role models that have been an inspiration to us, some of which are individuals that...
In recent years, many countries have been taking initiatives to cut down the number of smokers in their countries, and no one is better at this...
Recently, Bank Negara Malaysia published its Annual Report 2018 which stated that the salary for fresh graduates with a degree or diploma has decreased compared to...