OMG this is absolutely horrible! A 22-year-old woman died after her uterus was accidentally yanked out by the doctor right after she had given birth to...
Mum was our teacher when we were young who grew to be our best friend as time went on. We can talk about literally anything and...
A Sarawakian man who repeatedly raped his own daughter was sentenced to 74 years in prison and 48 strokes of cane. The 40-year-old is accused of...
As Asians, rice is one of a staple of our meals, and we have “tong nasi” friends who need to eat rice at least once a...
A father from Wales has been found guilty of 36 charges of rape and one charge of sexual assault after two decades of raping his own...
Suffering from a terminal illness is tragic, especially for the family members that you’re leaving behind if you succumb to the sickness. However, this father in...
A mother accidentally killed her eight-year-old daughter when she got her homework answers wrong. According to Oriental Daily, the girl from China was doing her homework...
Fathers are supposed to protect their daughters to make sure abhorrent acts like these don’t happen to them. They shouldn’t be perpetrators themselves! A 50-year-old man...
A 32-year-old father allegedly raped his own daughter on her 13th birthday because he had no money to buy her a present, reported The Sun. The...
Children often look up to their parents as the best role models in life. Which is why parents should always be wary of what they do...
A mother from Hangzhou, Zhejiang province in China was scared out of her wits when she discovered her baby had menstrual bleeding just five days after...
A mother and daughter who took a hot air balloon ride in China died after the balloon exploded 10,000 feet in the air! A video was...
Taking care of a baby is just a roller-coaster ride of endless encounters with poop and diaper disasters, but I wouldn’t know myself as I’ve only...
This sounds like the plot of the movie Orphan; the thriller about a psychopath who looks like a child but she is actually a full-grown woman...
Taking care of your oral health no matter how old you are is really important and for children who don’t know better, they simply love to...
Photos of a mother with a food delivery bag standing outside a McDonald’s in Bangsar have recently gone viral due to the fact that it was...