Saving up money is often a challenge when there are various expenses to be covered, but with determination, nothing is impossible. If you’ve been having a...
Real estate agents have to meet and interact with random strangers daily in order for them to sell a property, hence, it’s only normal for them...
Everyone who drives knows that traffic in Asian countries are one of the biggest bummers we all experience, alongside hints of corruption. But what happens when...
Losing our loved ones is something that is hard to accept. Some will take time to recover while others cling on to memories that remind them...
The cashless movement has affect the community in the region tremendously. Where ever you go, QR code stickers will always be visible as more and more...
The worst thing you can do to a loved one is breaking their trust by cheating on them with someone else. Cheating used to mean your...
UPSR is one of the first “BIG” exams that Malaysian children who go to government schools will face. So, it is understandable that some parents will...
Some people are genuinely kind and want to help others while there are people who pretend to be helpful but actually have an ulterior motive. That’s...
People do all kinds of things just to get a little cash, and while most of them come up with smart and peculiar ways just to...
We have heard of many ridiculous stories of divorce, such as a woman divorcing her husband just because he was too good and another divorcing her...
When you do bad things, you get sent to jail – that’s what our parents and teachers always tell us. However, this woman may have missed...
Buying the lottery, as is going to the casino, is entirely dependent on a game of luck. Or sometimes, it can be a rigged game of...
How many of you still save your money in a piggy bank? Well, after watching this video, you might want to find a more secure place...
Single dads don’t usually get the spotlight as much as single mums do, but often we forget that they hustle just as hard when it comes...
It can be difficult to get a good job these days and if you lose your job tomorrow, how long can you actually last before you...
She’s still so young. Thankfully the authorities managed to bust the organisation and rescued her from these predators. Police have recently busted an illegal prostitution centre...