Hit-and-run cases are pretty common in Malaysia and it takes an honest and selfless person to own up to their mistakes just like how this kind...
If you’re a store vendor, your main concern should obviously be the quality of your products. In these days with social media around, it takes a...
The parents of a murder suspect who allegedly raped and killed a Malaysian student in Taiwan last week expressed their hope for a rapid trial on...
Previously we reported about the girl who purposely invited a rich guy to a party, expecting him to settle the bills, but he refused. Settling the...
Everybody knows that splitting the bill evenly only applies when you all order things in the same price range. But it looks like this girl didn’t...
Well, this is definitely something! On 25 September, Malaysian actress Adibah Noor posted a screenshot of a DM sent by someone named Ahmad. The contents of...
Khairy Jamaluddin, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, met with Veveonah Mosibin on Thursday (9 September) to personally apologise on behalf of the government for...
By now most of us are familiar with the issue regarding a minister and a girl named Veveonah who had risen to fame with her video...
This is certainly a horrifying video to watch especially when you’re a parent! A three-year-old girl in Taiwan was caught in the tail of a kite...
When will some Malaysians stop? Just recently on TikTok, a Honduras TikTok personality, Nadia Zuniga was at the receiving end of a very bad joke from...
What goes around comes around. Most of us are well aware of a very recent video circulating online of a man yelling and slapping a security...
Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has informed the Dewan Rakyat that he has a paid the fine for smoking vape during the Parliamentary session...
Unfortunately, she wasn’t the first victim. Recently, a netizen who goes by the name of Christine, exposed a Twitter account for using Instagram photos of herself...
Blackpink has been the talk of the town ever since they released their latest hit single “How You Like That” with their music video being the...
During this MCO/CMCO/CB in Singapore, most of us are not able to leave our houses. So, we resort to food delivery services to help us send...
Delivery riders are truly heroes during this Covid-19 Movement Control Order (MCO). They not only have to endure our insane Malaysian weather, but they can also...