There are many people out there who cannot afford to eat and rely on businesses that offer inexpensive meals to fill their stomach.
So, why would anyone try to discredit such businesses that help feed the underprivileged?
Netizen, Nurul Shima, who also runs a Nasi Bajet (budget rice) business, took to her Twitter account to share how someone had scolded her for selling affordable meals as to the customer, her prices ruin other people’s businesses as it lures customers to her.

She wrote, “So came a person to my Nasi Bajet stall recently. He asked, ‘Is it RM3.50 for one?’, and I said yes. He asked again, ‘Is the dishes packed separately or mixed with the rice?’, and I answered that the dishes are packed separately. He kept asking questions. It came to a point where I got shocked for a moment because he said this…”
Here’s what the customer told her
“Do you want to kill other rice vendors’ income? If you sell at these kinds of prices, how will other vendors live? Of course customers will come and buy from you because it’s cheap. You have to raise your prices to RM4.50, so that it’s in line with Menu Rahmah.”
This left Nurul Shima completely baffled.

This image is for illustration purposes only.
“Aikkk… he asked all kinds of questions and then he lectured me like that.”
Instead of heeding to the man’s lecture, she ended up purposely giving him a pack of her Nasi Bajet for free as she didn’t want to have to talk to him anymore. She also told him to try the complimentary meals she gave him and to come back to buy from her should he like the food.
We genuinely hope that she sticks to her beliefs and runs her business how she sees fit!
What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.
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