It is common knowledge that everyone must wear a mask in public places.
And it’s surprising that there are still some among us who believe they can flout that rule and get angry when asked to put on a mask.
Lyn Centino took to her TikTok account to showcase a man who had come up to the nasi lemak stall she opened with her mother in Taman Desa on Sunday morning (18 July). They had almost finished packing his nasi lemak when Lyn’s mother noticed he didn’t have a mask on and asked him why.
The man then apparently proceeded to berate them angrily.

“Just do your job”
Lyn shared with WORLD OF BUZZ that the man had told her mom to ‘just do her job’.
“Who the hell are you? You are selling nasi lemak, just do your own job,” the man allegedly yelled.
Shocked by the man’s response, Lyn’s mother then insisted he wear a mask as it is mandatory.
“Now, with the SOPs, you must wear a mask,” she said, to which the man continued to berate her.
Thankfully, a regular customer who was at the scene stepped in to defend Lyn and her mother.

Threatened to beat customer who defended them
“She is selling nasi lemak, that’s why she is telling you to wear a mask,” the regular customer, who is wearing an orange T-shirt in the TikTok video, allegedly told the man, to which the man then threatened to beat the regular customer.
“Do I look like I’m kidding? What are you going to do, call the police? Call la, f*ck*r. What are you waiting for? Your phone got no credit? Need me to buy you credit ah?”
As the man and the regular customer continued to argue over the situation, the man then aggressively approached the regular customer while saying, “F*ck*r, you want to kena whack this morning? Sunday morning, you want to kena whack ah?”
The video ends as Lyn and her mother diffuse the situation before anything bad could happen and the regular customer could be seen walking away.
We genuinely hope that the authorities look into this matter and identify the man in the video so that the proper action can be taken.
And to the regular customer who stood up for Lyn and her mother, kudos!
You can watch Lyn’s video here:
Watch on TikTok
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