The live-action version of the beloved animated series Keluang Man is now looking for someone to play the iconic character. Astro Shaw will produce the version...
Despite criticism and bans from certain Malaysian states, local movie ‘Pulau’ is making it big overseas. So much so that the controversial film has now become...
In 2018, American actress Amber Heard wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post about her experience publicly speaking out against sexual abuse. This piece started a...
Everyone gets inspiration, or rather reminders in different ways. Some gain them through tough life experience, while others learn through lots of readings or movies. Inspired...
Tom Cruise has been involved in the entertainment industry since the 80s, and his role as Ethan Hunt in the Mission Impossible movie series is among...
The 2nd season of the popular South Korean TV show, Squid Game was confirmed last year, much to the excitement of the fans. However, Netflix has...
Despite the announcement of his return as Superman after the post-credits scene of Black Adam, Henry Cavill’s return was quickly reversed weeks later, much to the...
By now, many of us have caught up with The Flash movie, which was released in Malaysian cinemas on 15 June. Many have praised the film,...
Despite making significantly lesser appearances on screen, legendary Hong Kong comedian and filmmaker Stephen Chow’s presence is still hugely felt by his fans. His previous works...
Every once in a while, Malaysia has the honour of being the backdrop to foreign films with star studded casts. From 2016’s Mechanic: Resurrection to 2018’s...
Many of us may have heard of the tv show, ‘The Amazing Race’. For those who are unfamiliar, the multi-Emmy Award-winning reality series has 12 teams,...
A live-action adaptation of one of the most popular manga, One Piece, is coming soon on 31 August 2023! On 18 June 2023, Netflix uploaded a...
It’s a dream come true when you can make a living by doing something you’re passionate about. But regardless of how deep our love is towards...
Local actor, 47-year-old Datuk Aaron Aziz had recently posted a video to his Instagram account, showcasing himself interacting with Australian actor Chris Hemsworth, American director Sam...
Hardcore fans of Korean dramas, this might delight you because they’re getting major praise from our very own former Minister of Religious Affairs. Contrary to how...
For many of us, Cinderella, and many other Disney princess movies, are a part of our childhood. Cinderella is known to be a hardworking woman who...