In Malaysia, you can typically find motorcycles zooming in and out of lanes through narrow gaps in between cars. While all road users are expected to be mindful of these smaller vehicles, it doesn’t give any motorist an excuse to drive recklessly.
On 8 August, a motorcyclist was caught on camera crashing after failing to squeeze through a tight gap between a car and a roadside barricade on the PLUS Highway. In the dashcam footage shared by Twitter account, @My_CrimeWatch, the speeding motorcyclist can be seen attempting to zoom past a Perodua Alza despite the slim gap between the car and the highway barrier. He skids past the car and loses control over his motorcycle, causing an inevitable crash as his vehicle gives way from under him. The rider could last be seen in the video hurtling forward at an alarming speed.

While netizens acknowledge that the rider was in the wrong, they also blamed the driver of the Perodua Alza for not replacing his third brake light and driving slowly on a fast lane.

What do you guys think?