Disclaimer: This piece reflects the opinions of others on the subject matter. It does not reflect the opinions or beliefs of WORLD OF BUZZ.
The topic of LGBTQ has always been a hot one in our country, especially in the last few years. The community has shown that they will continue to persevere despite the extreme backlash that it has received.
While some feel as Malaysia progresses into becoming a more modern and developed nation, LGBTQ should be accepted. However, a vast majority are completely against the idea, citing religion as the main reason for the this.
Recently, two new hashtags have emerged on Twitter, #TetapBangga and #TetapNormal, and many have taken to the platform to express their views and thoughts, creating a bit of an online debate. Here’s what they are saying:
“I’m really sad to see #TetapNormal is trending after #TetapBangga. Sexual orientation is not something that you cannot just simply choose. Some of us struggled to accept ourselves since we’re little and saying repetitive advice like ‘People of Prophet Lut’ and ‘God’s anger’ is not helping.”
To give a little context, on 20 September, in support of the LGBTQ community, the Pelangi Campaign started a hashtag #TetapBangga that became trending on Twitter.
In retaliation to the movement, a new hashtag surfaced on Twitter, #TetapNormal, which also quickly became trending as netizens expressed opposing thoughts on the topic.
“To our dearest Tetap Bangga gang! You guys should get help to go back into fitrah, instead of fighting for the rights. We truly accept you as you are, as long as you understand and want to be helped. “
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