Many woke up today to be greeted with the chilling news of a man attempting to assassinate his wife at KLIA 1’s arrival hall by shooting...
In the wee hours of the morning on 14 April, a man fired 2 shots at his wife at the KLIA 1 Arrival Hall, one of...
A recent video clip shared by the Facebook page “I Sor Khayi Kkhao” went viral as it shows a politician’s husband returning to his rural home...
When you’re upset with your family member or partner, it’s understandable if you’re seeking a personal space and being “off the grid” for some time as...
Intimacy is key to a healthy marriage. Sharing intimate moments allows spouses to deepen their bond and feel a strong connection on a personal level. In...
Following the Khalwat case involving Singaporean actor, Aliff Aziz and Malaysian actress Ruhainies, Aliff’s wife, Bella Astillah had a lot to tell about the affair, which...
“I want a responsible man. Who knows I might fall for someone else’s husband? But if I can avoid it, I will.” Malaysian actress, Nadia Brian...
Growing up in a broken home can be tough, especially when you’re thrown into that situation at a young age. Those who’ve experienced it know firsthand...
Working offshore can be tough, with its fair share of challenges. But, nobody would have thought that part of the offshore experience includes finding out that...
Having a crush triggers butterflies in your stomach every time you see them. Being in their presence fills you with joy and contentment. In a recent...
Many of us have fantasised about winning the lottery and planned what we would do with the money even though we knew that the chances were...
Organising birthday surprises can be both enjoyable to plan and exciting to witness. Whether they’re grand or simple and intimate, getting it right for the person...
Being someone’s mistress is quite a bad thing to do, especially if you know the person you’re seeing has a wife at home. But, what if...
In the olden days, many cultures saw daughters as a burden and championed having sons in their families. Thankfully, those days are long gone and daughters...
The things we do for the person we love can sometimes go beyond our imagination. A Malaysian entrepreneur recently spent RM12,000 to decorate his wife’s telekung...
Loyalty is key for a successful and happy marriage, allowing partners to rely on each other in need. But what happens when that trust is broken?...