The Japanese are known for their sense of cleanliness and their exceptional mannerisms. As fans, they are known to be one of the best fans to...
57-year-old Mohamad Rosli Mohamad Dani, who is partially paralysed arrived in an ambulance to perform his civic duty this 15th General Election (GE15). A Bernama photo later...
18-year-old Muhammad Haikal, who is a differently-abled student at the Kepala Batas Community College, Penang, decided that his duty as a voter is so important that...
Just yesterday, many Malaysians were thrilled with the news that Disney city will be built by 2027 in Melaka. This is because for many Southeast Asians,...
If you have arachnophobia (a fear of spiders), be advised that this one is definitely NOT for you. Now we all know that Malaysian jungles are...
Although we are merely weeks away from the 15th General Election (GE15), it seems that many of our youths will not be able to perform their...
Taking to Facebook netizen Allan Cham Wei Lun shared a status update asking dashcam footage to help with investigation of his wife’s fatal accident. Here is...
Malaysians are hyper-dedicated when it comes to football, be it local or international football clubs or teams. Just how hyper-dedicated are we? Well according to Nielsen...
With the 15th General Election looming ever closer, Malaysians have been rallying together to ensure that the electoral process will go smoothly come November 19th. Back...
For travellers, one of the worst things that could happen is to have your flight delayed and only get a refund in modes such as loyalty...
Food delivery can sometimes be a bane than a boon, especially when they get your order incorrect, they send your order to the wrong address, your...
Singaporean YouTube personality and competitive eater Zermatt Neo needs no introduction to fans across the Causeway following his journey competitively eating through Singapore and Malaysia. In...
Back in July, it was announced that as part of new austerity measures to optimise government spending, new restrictions will be imposed on allowances for civil...
People with disabilities are often vulnerable to mistreatment such as being bullied or being dismissed. This is because of the assumption that being different means being...
“Prawn King” Umance Chong was previously under the spotlight after his investors exposed him for cheating. Following the saga, his wholesale mart (SuperM) closed down and...