With the 2nd season of Squid Game underway, many previous actors will not be coming back due to the fate of their respective characters’ in the...
Following the massive global success of Netflix’s show Squid Game, the platform has since released a reality TV show called Squid Game: The Challenge, which follows...
The 2nd season of the popular South Korean TV show, Squid Game was confirmed last year, much to the excitement of the fans. However, Netflix has...
Thanks to changemakers all across the globe, our world is ever-changing and constantly moving towards improvement and modernisation. Even more impressive, is the fact that a...
A Singaporean company, Pollisum Engineering Pte Ltd, recently held their company dinner titled ‘Go Big or Go Home’. And go big they did as they overshadowed...
Did you watch the Netflix Spanish phenomenon, Money Heist, and thought, “Damn, they look so badass!?” Well, now is your chance to experience the mind-blowing heist...
Netflix’s announcement on the 2nd season of Squid Game has given fans a huge relief given how the 1st season ended on a cliffhanger. As if...
By now, fans of Squid Game could have guessed that a 2nd season of the hit South Korean show is bound to happen. Back in January,...
Would you be excited for a real-life Squid Game that was once pure imagination and a what-if? Fans of Squid Game, it’s time for you to...
After months of speculations, it’s now official. Squid Game fans, Netflix has greenlit the South Korean show to move forward with the 2nd season! This was...
Squid Game, the Korean Netflix series shook the world a few months back, and viewers are still asking for more. And it seems like the hype...
After the global success of ‘Squid Game’ and the influence it has had, many fans wondered whether a season two would be coming. Many fans had...
The Squid Game hype looks like it is here to stay, and has already impacted the world in a variety of ways including its influence on...
Squid Game has taken the world by storm and just within a month, it has become one of the most-watched Netflix series and is ranked the...
It’s not every day where you are just going about your day and the next minute, you instantly become a celebrity! In conjunction with Halloween, as...
The creepy, singing doll from the “Red Light Green Light” stage is certainly one of the most iconic figures from Squid Game, the most talked-about South...