You know how they say “there are no strangers here, only friends that you haven’t meet yet?” And our friends are people who generally share the same interests as...
There is this very negative image of Muslims thanks to terrorist groups such as the Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Their extremism coupled with their use of the name...
Lying is never a good solution to anything. In the end, we should always tell the truth and face the consequences. But it seems like Malaysia...
Scams are nothing new in this messed up world. But every time the authorities expose one scam, scammers will still continue to pop up and continue...
What does your Instagram account look like? Most of our feed would be filled with pictures of food, selfies, and more selfies of #ootd. Then, there’s this Korean grandpa....
By now I’m sure everyone knows who Soft Toy Uncle aka Uncle David is. Uncle David who is diagnosed with cancer, sells plushies everyday for a living....
Image source: techradar Pokemon Go has undoubtedly been a global hit. Although it’s not officially released yet in most countries, there’s already been million and millions...
Meeting up with a business associate or friend? Consider to choose the same dish they’re having during lunch to create a closer, more trusting connection as...