The cast members of a movie or a TV show are crucial in deciding its potential viewers, and many of us are drawn into the movie...
Jackie Chan needs no introduction as he is widely known for his numerous action films, starting as a stuntman in the early 70s, and later as...
When it comes to iconic Malaysians who have been recognised internationally for their works, one of the first names that come to mind is undoubtedly legendary...
Fans of Pui Yi, you may not be ready for this. It looks like a new beginning awaits the controversial Malaysian model, as she recently announced...
Let’s be clear, we will never ever not get excited over seeing a Malaysian and seeing Malaysia represented in foreign platforms. One example of this is...
Just this afternoon (November 23), Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim got the media friends outside his office some lunchboxes. It looks like the lunchboxes were not the...
It looks like everyone’s favourite clumsy Princess, Mia Thermopolis, may be gracing us with her presence via the silver screen again! A third installment of The...
One of the best parts about watching the movies would definitely be having popcorn. Unfortunately, many people would finish their popcorns during the previews and for...
Back in 2018, Malaysians rejoiced upon the release of the local political drama film, Rise: Ini Kalilah, which depicted the days leading up to one of...
The Kelantan State Government has shared that their efforts to reopen movie theaters in the state are ‘very positive’. Based on a report by Utusan, the...
Over 1,000 anime episodes, more than 100 manga volumes, and 15 movies (so far!). Can you believe that One Piece has been pampering Malaysian fans with...
Certain actors were born to play a specific role, very much like Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, and Henry Cavill as Superman. While Robert Downey...
With the country in its transition into endemicity, it makes sense that more organisations are looking for suitable candidates to fill up the vacant positions in...
It’s always inspiring to see local names achieving success overseas, including performers who made it in the entertainment industry. Last year, we had local comedian, Ronny...
The success of a recent local film, Mat Kilau has been continuously discussed online ever since the emergence of its trailer. Its recent release on the...
Throughout its release in the cinemas, the movie Mat Kilau has grossed more than RM97 million, making it the highest-grossing local movie to date. Just recently,...