Wow, this is nothing short of miraculous! Apparently a doctor in Guangxi, China managed to save a man from the brink of death after he would...
Cupping therapy is an ancient method of healing used to ease pain and inflammation while improving blood circulation. Even to this day, it’s still a popular...
Say what you want but break-ups are the best motivation, and this man is the perfect example. A man from Thailand recently became viral after pictures...
Oh no, this is really tragic! It’s really hard to make ends meet these days and some of us have to work more than one job...
Criminals used to operate in the wee hours of the morning when there’s less crowd, but that’s no longer the case. On 1 November, a 22-year-old...
Recently, the case of a ‘Datuk Seri’ assaulting not one, but THREE Rela personnel took Malaysian media by storm – and all because they told him...
There are many things we do every day that’s actually illegal or just morally wrong. Yet, a bunch of us always lack the awareness or conscience...
Over the weekend, Malaysians nationwide were outraged by the incident where three People’s Volunteer Corps (RELA) members were bashed up by a man bearing the ‘Datuk...
Perverts are lurking everywhere, even right at your doorstep! Everyone remain alert and careful at all times. A recent post by a Malaysian lady who was...
Growing up in Malaysia, our elders would often scare us out of doing things. “If you go out at night, the Pontianak will eat you!” or...
Well, this is certainly one brave young man! A 28-year-old man from Johor not only managed to save himself from a car thief but also got...
Disclaimer: All images used are for illustration purposes only. Breaking up is no easy task due to many reasons but this man in Tainan, Taiwan decided...
Many gyms and spas in Malaysia offer sauna rooms as a way for us to relax and detoxify the body. However, when using these facilities, we...
It is usually never a good ending if your significant other meets the person you are having an illicit affair with, but this mistress in Tainan,...
The YTL Corporation is no stranger to most Malaysians as evidence of the conglomerate’s influence has shaped Kuala Lumpur’s architecture. That’s no surprise, considering that the...
Sometimes marriages end in divorces but we can still keep things amicable by having mutual respect for each other. For this Singaporean couple who was going through...