Today (11th October 2019), we witnessed the #Belanjawan2020 which was presented by our Finance Minister, Lim Guan Eng and quite honestly, we were very impressed with...
Be warned. Always ensure your air con is regularly checked every 12 months because not doing so could really put lives in danger! A 24-year-old woman...
Gone are the days where parents hold their children’s hands as they cross the road, or remind them to look both ways if they are alone....
We’ve heard stories of people getting left at the altar for various reasons but this is perhaps the first time one of those reasons involved someone’s...
Deciding to get a pet is a huge responsibility and it means that you have every intention of giving it a forever home. Sadly, many people...
The world is a huge place filled with interesting and one of a kind individuals, and if you forget to look up and open your eyes...
More often than not, we take for granted the fact that our Mamas are always there to help us. They tahan our temper tantrums, cut fruits...
Going for a karaoke session with our friends can be a fun way to relax and destress but make sure you don’t overdo it, just like...
As a parent, losing your child for just a few minutes is simply unbearable and this couple experienced their worst nightmare when they realised that they...
There’s a saying that goes, “Health is wealth” and this rings true because there’s nothing more important than your health. With the advance of modern technology...
This is a really tragic incident! A 59-year-old man was found dead in Kampung Perlis Simpor, Tikam Batu, as he accidentally shot himself while cleaning his...
It is shocking to think that there are individuals out there who feel that it is alright to treat animals poorly just because they cannot take...
There have been too many cases where kids or even pets who are left behind in locked cars suffer from detrimental consequences as the heat and...
You’d think that bullying would get left behind alongside exercise books and Pendidikan Jasmani shirts when people leave school, and that once you come out into...
At a work place, people come and go. It’s only normal when someone moves on to pursue perhaps a different job, acquire different skillsets, or basically...
We like to stretch and pop our joints when we’re feeling tired but you may want to reconsider the next time you reach for your neck...