Although movies and stories usually make a clear distinction between good and bad, in reality the difference between these two is never as clear cut. That’s...
This month (January 2018), Malaysia announced that they will not grant visas to Paralympic swimmers from Israel to take a stand against Israel and their ongoing...
It seems that cases of animal abuse have been on the rise as there has been a recent spate of news where animals were being tortured...
A few taxi drivers recently disrupted a dialogue session by Dr M in Langkawi by leaving halfway through the event. How rude! The actions of these cabbies...
Having a pet means that we treat them well, provide them with love and care while making sure that they are provided for because they are...
Road bullies are still rampant in our society, and we would definitely not want to run into one! Recently, a minor accident happened when a car...
No matter how terrible someone is, nobody deserves to be humiliated and mistreated in front of others. So of course this restaurant owner received massive backlash...
Being Asian would mean there is a certain expectation from our parents since young. We need to score well in our studies and exams, get a...
A Lamborghini driver went through what would be a nightmare for any car owner. The person lost control of his sports car which ended up in...
Drama is something we would usually see as a series on TV. However, on December 7, a dramatic scene broke out at a Sessions Court in...