Despite all the drama surrounding it, the Jay Chou concert proceeded in full swing last night (January 15) with the Bukit Jalil stadium filled to the...
We all know that Malaysians have a tendency to get a little rage-y on the road. But, does someone really have the right to be angry...
The issue of double parking has been ongoing for a long time and people are tired of tolerating the behaviour, especially when no contact numbers are...
Getting yourself a parking spot can be hectic at times, especially during peak hours. Regardless, it is never a reason to double park but if it’s...
The difficulties in finding a parking spot, especially during peak hours have prompted some drivers to double park for their convenience. Most of the time, they...
Most of the time, littering happens when people have something that they want to immediately throw away but can’t find a dustbin in public. But what happens...
A Toyota Vios that was double parked and blocked an empty parking lot had its windscreen covered with garbage. A Facebook page titled You Drive Like...
If you live in Subang, you would be familiar with Taipan’s daily traffic. It is almost impossible to find a parking spot, which causes many of...
Malaysians truly hate drivers who double-park but that doesn’t mean that they should take matters into their own hands. Two men in Pekan Sungai Way decided...
It’s truly sad that we’re seeing more and more bullies on Malaysian roads. It’s unsure as to what their intentions or end-goals are when it comes...
Double-parkers are the most annoying people on this planet, and even worse when they don’t have the courtesy to leave a phone number on their dashboard. This...
I’m sure we all can agree that double parkers are probably some of the most annoying people on this planet, especially those who don’t leave a...
Malaysians living in residential areas such as flats, apartment buildings or even any highrises for that matter often come face to face with parking problems. While...
It’s 2018 and yet, people are still double-parking without leaving their phone numbers behind. *Sigh* Just last night (1 October), yet another video involving a double-parked...
Being born and bred in Malaysia, we’re probably familiar with the many cultures, languages and different types of slang everyone uses. Besides having our own unique...