Recently, a 34-year-old Malaysian named Malathi Saravanan took to Facebook to share the struggles that she and her furbabies have been facing during this pandemic. In...
Anything to support cute doogos! In 2020, a shelter in Seremban, FurryKids SafeHaven, was devastated by the floods, resulting in the death of multiple dogs. Malaysians...
A 58-year-old Malaysian man was fined SGD11,000 or approximately RM34,000 by the Singapore Court last Wednesday (7 July 2021) after he was caught on video taking...
It’s inspiring to see Malaysians help each other during these tough times. Besides our fellow Malaysians struggling throughout the endless lockdowns, we shouldn’t forget about the...
Throughout this pandemic, it’s not just the people who have been struggling, stray animals are in dire need of help and attention too! The bentoanimalrescues (BARO)...
During these trying times, our pets also need help! #KempenBenderaPutih was a campaign launched by Malaysians to help those who are struggling during the lockdown. The...
The world’s two most iconic scaredy-dogs will be gracing us with a new movie, together! Scooby-Doo and Courage the Cowardly Dog are teaming up in a...
In the past few years, we have been exposed to many instances of working doggos such as Tucson who works in a car showroom or Ken...
Stray dogs are oftentimes shunned by Malaysians who consider them a nuisance to society, which is why it is truly amazing to see the camaraderie of...
Have you ever seen dogs mate or wondered why dogs get stuck during mating? A Facebook user, Preethi, recently shared why dogs mate a certain way...
For many, their pets are like family, and family doesn’t get left behind. That was an 11-year-old girl’s concern when she ran into a burning house...
Kudos to Aaliyah for choosing love at the end of the day! In Malaysia, there has always been this stereotype between Muslims and dogs but this...
Dogs are the most loyal creatures you’ll encounter in life. Unfortunately, the perception of Malaysians towards dogs isn’t always the best. Too often, we hear stories...
Adopt, don’t shop. That’s a motto that all animal lovers should hold dear to their hearts as there are so many strays out there that needs...
At the end of the day, our pets need to be clean too! While we humans are worried about a virus called Covid-19, that doesn’t mean...
A ‘foo chuk’ factory operating illegally at Sungai Jawi, Penang was raided by Health Department investigators who were appalled at the condition of the factory. During...