Despite increasing prices, the annual Ramadan bazaars in and around the Klang Valley continue to attract large crowds. However, many visitors have been expressing dissatisfaction with...
Taking to Twitter, this netizen shared her reasons why this Mac and Cheese vendor, selling their goods at the TTDI Bazar is not a clear, crowd...
From sunrise to sunset, fasting in Ramadan makes this Islamic month the most significant of months for Muslims across the globe. As Ramadan is celebrated with...
Ramadan bazaars are a crowd puller during the Puasa month, as sellers begin selling goods as early as 3pm for Malaysians from all walks of life...
Palestine-born Chef Ammar has seen a massive amount of interest in his food with his stalls seeing a huge amount of people on a daily basis....
Palestine-born Chef Ammar who has a restaurant at USJ 4, recently found himself under the spotlight as some people complained that the food he is selling...