Faced with a heartbreaking situation, a Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) officer decided to be kind and donate money to an underprivileged, desperate father who approached the...
Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is one of the largest celebrations among Malaysians of Chinese descent. While the festivities and customs remain...
Remember that phase some of us had back in the day when vampire boyfriends were a THING? The fact that this cat might just be a...
The God of Fortune will only bless those with a good heart. If you’re a smuggler, then you’re just looking for trouble if you’re messing with...
People often go to fortune tellers to get life advice or to hear an explanation on things that they’re uncertain about, and while some fortune tellers...
Admit it, when choosing a mobile number for ourselves, most of us would have a preference for numbers that are either easy to remember, or contain...
Can you imagine how scary it would be to be told by a shaman that some major bad luck is on its way? But what if...
Lightning never strikes the same place twice, unless you’re this guy who runs a money changer. A few days ago, this money changer owner from Sandakan,...
Looks like Mercury really is in retrograde! A 50-year-old man from Segamat, Johor faced a series of unfortunate events over the weekend on Sunday (18th November)....
It’s out with the Christmas trees and in with the ang pows and firecrackers! As the Christmas hype dies down, Malaysians everywhere are preparing to usher in the...
Chinese New Year is almost here! Time for food, family, ang pows, and more food. It’s also time for all the CNY reunion dinners, where family members near...
Living in Malaysia where so many races and cultures are represented, we’re no stranger to the many superstitions Malaysians still believe to this day. We hear...
Hungry Ghost Festival is the month when the streets become unusually quiet and spooky at night, even the slightest breeze would send chills down our spine....
Asians are full of superstitious beliefs. How often do you hear people saying “No, you can’t do this because pantang“? For example, on the first day...