Some employers provide yearly rewards to employees who perform well to encourage them to keep working hard. But, how often do you hear of employers handing...
A total of 36 Negeri Sembilan State Assembly members and political secretaries will be receiving salary increments starting January 2025. Based on a report by Berita...
Apart from our personal savings account, the retirement fund (EPF) also serves as an alternative for us to have enough funds after bidding farewell to our...
KL – the heart of Malaysia where businesses boom with the never-ending surge of tourists. While KL may be one of the best places to make money...
Fellow bosses, how do you reward your employees for a job well done? It’s not an easy task to reach the designated KPIs, especially those who...
A massive preparation has to be done before giving a speech, especially to the crowd. Can you picture yourself saying something on stage in a language...
At the workplace, the beginning of every year marks the annual performance review, where the talk about possible increments and bonuses happens. As an employer, how...
Companies normally hold annual dinners to celebrate the efforts and contributions of their employees while motivating them to perform better for the year to come. But,...
There’re a few ways to get to an island including taking a boat and swimming there. But is it possible to walk to an island? ...
It’s no secret that once Halloween is over, many people would jump straight into preparing for the year-end festivities. In fact, we think it’s actually a...
Currently, there is no separate leave for employees to utilise to undergo health screenings. However, this seems like it’s set to change as the Ministry of...
The US Department of State has revealed that Malaysia is at the lowest tier, Tier 3, in their latest report on human trafficking. The report shared...
When an organisation arranges for a general meeting, you would think that they would focus on ways to improve their operations and the livelihoods of their...
If you ask any Malaysian, what’s the one thing they want most, they’ll most probably tell you its a higher salary. Most Malaysians also refuse to...
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us have made ourselves quite comfortable by communicating through virtual calls via Zoom, GoogleMeets and Skype. Whether it’s to...
Would you still have the passion to build up your body when you’re old? Hiromu Inada, an 87-year-old Japanese man has earned the title of the...