Sabrina’s relationship with her mother is truly an example for all future parents out there!
There has always been this stereotype attached to Asian parents of them being cold and distant. On top of that, parents usually have a tough time admitting their mistakes, which let’s be honest, they do a lot of. However, this Twitter user, Sabrina’s (@thesabrinamohd), interaction with her mother has left many netizens feeling warm inside as they feel it’s not something they’re used to seeing with their own parents.
On 14 February, Sabrina posted an interaction she had with her mother about how her mother apologised after accidentally bringing up Sabrina’s insecurities.
“One thing that I appreciate about my mum is that she isn’t afraid to say things like ‘sorry’ to her own daughter. I had three huge post-paper pimple and everyone at the dining table pointed out. I was offended by that but I’m okay actually, it’s usual when you’re growing up.”
Sabrina: I’m sad. I’m really sensitive about my body and skin as my job and self-esteem depends on it.
Mother: Okay, I understand. It’s okay, let’s go and buy acne medication. Let me know if you want to get facial done.
Sabrina: I am aware of the pimples. I look at myself every day in the mirror. There’s no need to point out things that are obvious especially since these things are normal. But from everyone’s reaction, it made me feel like there was something wrong and I was not normal.
Mother: I still have a free session.
Sabrina: It’s okay mama, it’s normal.
Mother: I’m sorry.

Sabrina and her mother
Mother: Okay, don’t be upset for too long. Next time I won’t say anything like that.
Sabrina: Thank you, mama, for apologising, I appreciate it.
Mother: I hope my apology is accepted?
Sabrina: Of course, don’t worry Mama!
Speaking to World of Buzz, Sabrina said her relationship with her mom has always been precious and meaningful. As she grew older, she could always talk about any issues she faced with her mom including her passions, relationships and heartbreaks. The best part is, her mother always lets her express herself first and only after that, lectures her on what is important and what needs to be done.
“Undoubtedly, I still get long lectures but its the opportunity to speak without being interrupted or put down is what makes me feel comfortable sharing with her.”
Vice versa, her mum also shares her experiences and what she goes through which helps make them closer as Sabrina could feel that she’s there for her mother anytime. She feels that in order for Asian parents and children to improve their relationships, the most important factor is that parents must enjoy guiding their children.
“Show respect towards each other and get involved in each other’s life but give support and space when needed and when it’s appropriate.”
Finally, relating to her own situation, Sabrina simply asked parents and children to choose positive words like “Please”, “Thank You”, “I’m Sorry” and “I Love You”.
The old “my parents never said they loved me but I turned out fine” trope may have been effective during the 80s but in 2021, what’s wrong with telling each other you love them? Why not be the bigger person and just pick up your phone and say those three magical words?
Also read: “My dad expresses love through money” Man Shares How His Dad Slips Him Money As a Form of Love