Some fantastic news could be on the horizon, Malaysian drivers! Urban drivers will likely receive discounts on fuel from petrol stations after the new weekly price announcement...
Sometimes, we end up falling in love with someone completely unexpected. Some people fall in love with their best friends that they have ‘friendzoned’ for the longest...
Warning: Article contains video and images that readers may find disturbing We all know that we should follow a regular exercise routine in order to keep...
Food and hygiene should go hand in hand, for very obvious reasons. So imagine how appalled everyone was when a video surfaced showing a particular mamak shop in Kulai Jaya,...
As Malaysians, we are blessed to have moderate tropical climates, friendly people and most of all, all kinds of good food to enjoy. It seems we...
Japan has been known to be the country filled with some very ‘special’ things. But one thing that they are very prominent for (regardless if they...
Looks like it’s good news for all you cheese lovers out there! Usually, people tend to associate cheese with high amounts of fat that contribute to a...
There is no denying that Malaysians are nature lovers and also an adventurous bunch. From taking road-trips to Melaka solely for the Satay Celup to cruising...
A 9-year-old girl had fallen victim to a vicious prank by a fellow male classmate who in a fit of revenge, added some Dettol hand soap...
Langham Place in Mong Kok, Hong Kong attracts more than 200,000 visitors everyday, with over 1.8 million square feet of floor area and is a shopper’s paradise...