Which is more valuable? Gold, or a box of N95 masks? Well, as you probably know, the value of something is determined by simple demand and supply mechanics, so in this case, you will be very surprised to know that a box of N95 masks is actually worth more than a gram of gold, according to The Straits Times!

Source: Straits Times
While we may not think much of the humble N95 mask, the recent surge in demand for it since the Wuhan novel coronavirus outbreak has led to a shortage of the masks in many areas. This has led to a sharp increase of prices for the masks, and in Indonesia, the price for a single box of masks has now surpassed the value of one gram of gold.

Source: Rappler
As of the moment, a box of 20 N95 3M masks sold at Pasar Pramuka, Jakarta’s largest marketplace for pharmaceutical and medical equipment, rose seven times higher than the regular price, selling at 1.5 million rupiah (RM 452.05).
In comparison, a gram of gold in Indonesia currently goes for 800,000 rupiah (RM 241.85)!

Source: The Jakarta Post
This news comes in light of the fact that Indonesia has currently not reported a single Wuhan novel coronavirus patient. But regardless, demand for masks have led to ridiculous jumps in prices. A box of normal blue three-ply masks now retails for 275,000 rupiah (RM 83.15) for a box of 50, when it usually only costs 30,000 rupiah (RM 9.04).
Which comes to show the fact that paranoia can lead to some really insane circumstances to happen! But regardless of which, the best way to stay healthy during this time is to always remember to practice good hygiene habits and wash your hands often.
Also read: Children Shouldn’t Wear N95 Masks As It Might Make Things Worse, According to Paediatrician