Anime backgrounds are always super mesmerising and dreamy, and don’t we all secretly wish to live inside a Hayao Miyazaki film? (Younger anime fans may relate better to Your Name.) The skies are ever-changing and vibrant, and we could never imagine having anime-like sceneries in *cough* Malaysia.
However, a Malaysian guy showed us something we didn’t know we needed. A series of shot and photoshopped photos were uploaded onto his Twitter account (@syaf_newgate), impressing netizens with beautiful sceneries in Kuala Lumpur.

Source: Twitter (@syaf_newgate)
Whoa. Is this real life? Is this really the Kuala Lumpur sky we know?
These photos are captioned “Anime Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2019” in his tweet, and we honestly can’t believe our eyes. We thought these were paintings. Apparently, Syaf told everyone on Twitterjaya that these photos required a few complicated steps, including shooting techniques, as well as painted-on clouds in Photoshop.
Many people wanted to know how he did it, and the kind man explained that some elements like trees and clouds are painted over with reference from anime. It’s no longer a secret, guys, but a test of your Photoshop skills.
Here’s his well-explained tutorial on how to achieve these photos:

Source: Twitter (@syaf_newgate)
His tweet gained a whopping 34k Retweets and 51.1k Likes, and netizens were impressed with what they’ve seen!
Still not convinced that these photos are captured in Kuala Lumpur? Let us show you a few more of his work that is iconically Kuala Lumpur!

Source: Twitter (@syaf_newgate)

Source: Twitter (@syaf_newgate)
We are absolutely in love with these wonderful creations! And, we’re grateful for people like him to remind us to look up at the sky and appreciate the beautiful Malaysian sky.
Also read: 9 Times Anime Referenced Malaysia That Will Make Your National Pride Go Over 9,000