We’re just a few days away from celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri and we can definitely feel the festive spirit all around us.
Radio stations have begun playing Raya songs 24/7, everyone is busy shopping for Baju Raya and planning for their Balik Kampung journey.

The most telltale sign of it being Aidilfitri has got to be all the Raya decorations at houses, shops and malls. However, this year, one particular Raya decoration tops the lot and it’s from our neighbouring country Singapore.
Specifically, it’s the Raya decoration put up by the Punggol Fire Station in Singapore’s Punggol Central. As shared by Shukor Zahari on Facebook, the dual-ketupat decoration may look simple and kinda odd due to its red colour, but a closer look would definitely impress passersby.

That’s because the 2 ketupats are actually made out of fire hoses! Say what?!
Impressively, the Abang-Abang Bomba of the Punggol Fire Station were able to weave the massive ketupats using fire hoses.
Shared by Shukor Zahari last Saturday (15 April 2023), the post has since gone viral with over 1,600 shares and 1,000 reactions as of the time of writing.
Most of the commenters were impressed by the next-level Raya decoration. One comment said that the feat is seriously impressive given how she even struggles to weave a traditional ketupat using palm leaves.
Another commenter agrees, saying, “My hands are shaking even when using palm leaves to weave a ketupat… They’re using a fire hose… Champion.”
There are also others who joked about the absurdity of using fire hoses to make ketupat. One commenter joked that the fire station can boil the ketupat on the eve of Aidilfitri so that the whole station can eat.
Meanwhile, another netizen joked that the fire and rescue officers would be perplexed the next morning trying to find their missing fire hose.
So, have you guys seen anything like this before? What’s the most absurd Hari Raya decoration you’ve seen? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!