While we may still be able to survive during the Movement Control Order period with our savings or with financial assistance, it is worth keeping in mind that not all of us have the luxury of remaining in the comforts of our own home. And for some people, like this 72-year-old grandmum from Seremban, staying at home is simply not an option, as this story from Sin Chew Daily reports.
Well remembered by those who live around the surrounding area, 72-year-old Huang Lai Mei is a frequent sight on Seremban streets as she pushes her cart of snacks around town, selling them to make a living for herself. She’s friendly, speaks fluent Cantonese, and has been given the nickname of ‘snack grandma’ by locals.

Having sold snacks on the streets with her cart for many years, Ms Huang insists on living off what she earns and has never asked or accepted assistance from anybody, whether it be in the form of financial donations or food from non-government organisations or government welfare departments.

And despite the Movement Control Order in place making it difficult for her to continue selling her snacks on the streets, Ms Huang insists on making a living for herself, despite her current lack of income. She has revealed that many kind-hearted individuals have tried to donate food to her during this period of time, but she has turned away their generosity each and every time.
“I have enough food to feed myself. If I take what is offered to me, it will deprive others of the food.
Besides, I am physically able to support myself. I have hands and feet, I can still support myself.”

However, she has received one act of kindness, and did take up the offer of receiving a face mask from a vegetable vendor while shopping for her groceries. Ever since the MCO, she says she has taken this time to tidy up her house and do chores, as she rarely gets to do so at home.
We hope that Ms Huang will be able to return to business soon after the MCO period, and wish her well through these difficult times.
Also read: Couple & Their Toddler Eat Only Rice With Sugar After Running Out of Money During MCO Period