In today’s CMCO updates by Defense Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri, he confirmed that going to petrol stations to pump petrol, without entering the petrol station’s convenience store, DO NOT need to scan the MySejahtera application.
Among the rules included for petrol station etiquette include,
Must check in on MySejahtera:
- Those making transactions in the petrol station convenience mart.
- Those using the surau or restrooms.
- Those approaching the mechanic at the petrol station.
- Those heading for manual carwashes.
DO NOT need to check in on MySejahtera:
- Those who are pumping petrol and paying using cashless transactions, that don’t require coming into contact with others..
- Those making payments through the petrol station pigeon hole.
- Those going for auto carwashes.
- Those stopping at petrol stations to pump air in vehicle tyres.
Stay tuned for more updates!