Kids say the darndest thing and sometimes, they don’t know as much as we adults do, so we have to pardon their candour. The daughter of Dato Seri Vida, Cik B was recently too stunned to speak after hearing what her nephew had to say.
In a viral TikTok video @cikb_havoc66, Cik B was donning a Telekung, a prayer garment for ladies. She was getting ready for prayers in the house with her nephews and niece but 1 of them decided to be candid before the prayer started.

The cheeky nephew approached and asked why was Cik B wearing a Telekung, to which Cik B asked in return,
“Why not?”
The nephew, however, thought that Cik B shouldn’t put on the female prayer garment because “Cik B is a boy”.
The kids burst out in laughter and Cik B questioned them, “Who said I was a boy?”
The nephew then pointed at another nephew, Eusof, who said Cik B herself said that she identified as a boy, to which Cik B laughed and denied what Eusof said.
The clip was also shared by DSV herself who was surprised at what the nephew had to say when he saw Cik B putting on the Telekung.
Social media users, on the other hand were both shocked and not surprised to find out that there are still people who are confused about Cik B.
“Cik B looks beautiful in Telekung, and the kid came out of nowhere with that question.”
“How are there still people who don’t know Cik B is a girl?”
“Many didn’t know that Cik B is a girl.”
“I wonder if the kid is still doing okay.”
“I don’t know why is this entertaining me.”
“I used to think Cik B was a boy, and I was shocked to find out that she’s a girl.”
“My cousin used to ask me if Cik B was really a girl. It was tiring for me to explain.”
To those who are not aware, Cik B used to have long hair before cutting it short & maintaining a hip-hop image a couple of years back.
Watch on TikTok
It’s always fun and game until the kids say something that stuns you. What do you think of the joke that the cheeky kid made?