Often times, the promotion of Malaysia revolves around Malay, Chinese and Indian cultures, considering the fact that they are Malaysia’s top three major ethnicities. Unfortunately, that...
Animal lovers everywhere were utterly shocked after two videos that showcased the extreme abuse of two little doggies in China went viral. Nom Aly (@nom_aly), who...
We recently celebrated the independence of our country and after 62 years of building our nation, there is still one aspect that Malaysians still seem to...
If there’s one thing a Malaysian can recite that’s probably written in stone in their hearts, it’s our national anthem. But truthfully, after our schooling days,...
Dogs just have a thing for postmen, don’t they? We still don’t exactly understand why dogs just love to wait for and chase postmen, but that...
Let’s see a show of hands – how many people here know why designated parking spots for disabled people are bigger than the normal parking spots?...
What did you do every time you were scolded by a parent? We’d sulk our faces off until we got the attention we needed. But when...
Anxiety is real, and who knew it could run in a whole family! A Singaporean family has taken the internet by storm after they left a...
Ever since the news of Malaysian pedophile Nur Fitri’s return to our country, there’s been an uproar online regarding the issue of whether pedophiles deserve a...
Calling all Starbucks enthusiasts! This one is for you. How do you know if you’re getting what you paid for when you upgrade the size of...
Singapore, just like Malaysia, is home to a melting pot of Malay, Chinese and Indian people and their cultural influences. Though we live in the same...
Imagine coming back to your parked car to find someone sitting in the driver’s seat, rummaging through your stuff. That’s what happened to a man after...
After reports that the Malaysian pedophile convicted in the UK with possession of extreme child porn, Nur Fitri Azmeer Nordin, had not only secretly returned to...
It’s no joke when you’re advised to never resort to loan sharks when your cash flow is low because with loan sharks, even your curiosity can...
It’s no secret that women have a preference for men with beards, may it be just a wee bit of stubble or the full-on Gandalf gear,...
Malaysia has always had an abundance of kind people, and this story is no different. Unfortunately though, for one Malaysian man, he had to encounter a...