Everybody makes mistakes…
As much as we all strive for perfection, mistakes or accidents are bound to happen. But what makes us better is owning up to our faults and finding the best solution to resolve the matter.
In this case, IKEA did just that!
A photo posted by a Facebook user, Alicia Cho, recently got the attention of many.
In her photo, she pointed out IKEA’s “limited unique alamak” KLAMBY reusable bags in one of the IKEA outlets in Singapore.

Turns out, these KLAMBY bags were actually misprinted. Instead of printing ‘www.IKEA.com.sg’, these batch of bags is missing the letter ‘m’.
Not only were the Singapore batch of bags misprinted, but the Malaysia batch too! Take a look!
IKEA handled the situation perfectly by deciding to put them up for sale anyway!
Alicia tells World of Buzz that she ended up buying the bag and even did a photoshoot of her own. Look at her rocking it!

As IKEA is a company that is big on sustainability, the company owned up to their mistake and decided to sell the bags for a cheaper price.
If you were to look closely in the photo, the signage, where one would typically find a description of the product, reads:
“KLAMBY. Limited Unique Alamak. At IKEA, it’s ok to make a mistake. We printed the wrong website address on the KLAMBY re-usable bag but because it’s re-usable, we won’t scrap them. They’re limited edition and they won’t be back!”
You can even purchase these bags on their online stores both on their Singapore and Malaysia websites. They even did a whole shoot for these bags and we got to say, it is imperfectly perfect!

All we can say is, good job IKEA!
What are your thoughts on this story? Let us know in the comment section below!
Also Read: IKEA To Discontinue Its 70-Year-Old Printed Catalogue