Now with the push-start ignition and keyless entry systems available in cars, entering your vehicle and keeping it locked has become far more convenient. However, that convenience certainly comes with its own set of risks. Like this one:
Just last Thursday (July 12), a keyless car was stolen in broad daylight in less than 30 seconds! The white Toyota Camry was stolen near a restaurant in Kepong.
The thief, who was probably pretending to be on a phone call, had used a device in his other hand, as he paced back and forth in front of the vehicle. After he managed to open it, he calmly got into the car and drove off. China Press interviewed the daughter of the car owner who said that her father had been eating at that time. He had only been in the restaurant for 20 minutes and was shocked when he came out to find that his car had disappeared. They have since lodged a police report over the theft.
A report by The Straits Times that appeared earlier this year showed the ease at which thieves could break into a keyless car, using a device that costs only RM150. The device can reportedly unlock the car and start its engine by hacking its radio frequency identification (RFID) information.
Fret not car owners! Here’s what some of the things you can do to avoid your car from getting stolen!
1. Consider physical barriers
Source: Lazada
Try going old school and purchase a steering wheel lock. That way, even if the thieves do manage to access and start your car, the steering lock should prevent them from driving off with your vehicle. Furthermore, many criminals will consider bypassing your car if they see this in place because it’s too much of a hassle trying to remove it.
2. Equip your car with a tracking device
Source: Evo GPS Tracker
Vehicles that are equipped with a tracking device should help you pinpoint the location of your car if it ever gets stolen. It works just like a normal GPS tracker so that you are aware if your car is not in the same place that you left it.
3. Use a signal-blocking pouch for your keyless fob
Consider purchasing a Faraday pouch to keep your car key in. A Faraday pouch contains signal-blocking materials that stop your key fob from transmitting its code, preventing crooks from being able to detect and amplify the signal.
4. Turn off your keyless entry system

Source: Newsonia
If all of these doesn’t appeal to you, you can try contacting your car dealer to make sure that the software and system in your car is updated as carmakers are working hard to stop these thefts from happening. You should also check and see whether your keyless entry system can be turned off should you wish to do so.
Hopefully these pointers will be able to keep your car safe!
Also read: The Most Stolen Car in Malaysia is Proton Wira and You Won’t Believe Why