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SPM 2023: 11k Students Get Straight As But 10k Students are No-Shows, M’sians Fear They Aim to Become TikTokers


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Source: Majoriti & Sinar Harian

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To those who got their SPM results today, how did you feel? Did your results turn out to be what you expected? A total of 11,713 students scored straight As for SPM 2023, and regardless of your result, we’re sure you’ve done your best!

Congratulations to those who scored with flying colors. Unfortunately, many students did not make it to the exam and went MIA. According to a report, a total of 10,160 out of 383,685 students were absent from 1 of the most significant exam papers in their lives.


The reasons are not known but the Ministry of Education (KPM) will intervene and investigate the reasons for the absence.

Despite the figure, KPM revealed that the number of absentees has shown a significant drop as compared to the previous year.

Last year, 14,858 out of 388,832 students skipped SPM 2022. The number of absentees for SPM 2023 is not as bad as last year but KPM will not hesitate to intervene to understand the matter further.


Some of the absentees may have no choice but to retake the papers but those who skipped with the thought of surviving without the certificate, you know it’s highly unlikely, right?

Social media users were baffled and concerned to see the number of absentees for SPM 2023, and they took it on social media to reflect their thoughts about the matter.

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“10K students were absent for SPM. Are you all going to be YouTubers, TikTokers and politicians”

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“I’m more disturbed by the fact that 10K students skip SPM 2023. 10K.”

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Another social media user made sarcastic remark about the matter and said,

“When asked, the absentees said they were going to marry the 11,000 of students who scored straight As. Problem solved. The world returns to its balanced state.”

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“What did the absentees feel? Don’t you feel anything at all? Are you not worried about your future?”

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“10K students skipped SPM 2023. They’re all going to be professionals, TikTokers, businessmen, and politicians. Meanwhile, over 11K of students scored straight As.”

Dear employers, what do you think of this figure? Are you worried about these students who skipped the most important exam in secondary school?


Also read: “Go to school!” – M’sian TikToker Responds to Claims of SPM Has No Values, Says ‘there’s no such thing’

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Source: Majoriti
Source: Sinar Harian

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