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The World’s Most Famous Oyen is Here! Here’s What M’sians Will Love About the New Garfield Movie


Garfield Feature
Source: Provided to WOB

For the cat lovers among us, a lot of us are super invested in the phenomenon known as “Oyen” – an endearing name for ginger or orange-coloured cats, kan? So, to celebrate our love for the oyens of the world, we implore you to watch this new movie featuring the king of all oyens, Garfield!

Strap in for a wild outdoor adventure with the world’s most famous cartoon cat by checking out The Garfield Movie, brought to you by Sony Pictures Malaysia to a cinema near you!

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For those of you who are a bit hazy about what to expect from this meow-some movie, here are some highlights that konfem will get you hooked:


1. It’s Garfield! What’s not to love about the famous comic strip cat?!

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For a lot of Malaysians, Garfield is known for the hilarious comic strips portraying the lazy and pampered indoor cat who hates Mondays just as much as he loves eating lasagna. Having appeared in thousands of newspapers and journals since 1978, Garfield has become a household name and eventually earned the Guinness World Record for the world’s most syndicated comic strip! 

From his mischievous interactions involving his owner Jon Arbuckle and innocent dog pal Odie to his penchant for laziness and eating, it’s no wonder that he’s managed to collect countless fans of all ages throughout the years!


2. Catch this rare opportunity to see the oyen extraordinaire on the big screen

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Despite his existence as a pop culture icon through his famous comic strips and funny TV specials since 1978, Garfield very rarely appears in his own movies (maybe he’s just that lazy)! Taking note of this, The Garfield Movie promises to deliver the essence of the orange cat’s charm, wit and laziness that fans have adored for decades. But there’s more than just the usual antics going on in this movie!

The Garfield Movie will also explore Garfield’s origin story from his adoption by Jon as a (super adorbs) kitten to the present day. From here, the movie takes him outside of his comfort zone after an unexpected reunion with his long-lost father Vic, who forces him and Odie to take part in his high-stakes milk heist that they’re both wildly unprepared for! One thing is for sure, their misadventure will take you on a laugh-out-loud journey for the whole movie! 


3. Meet the new Garfield – more modern (and lazier) than the old Garfield

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To quirkily reflect modern times in the year 2024, The Garfield Movie portrays the titular cat as even lazier than in the comic strips and animated specials (which we didn’t think was possible)! Staying up-to-date with the technology we use today, the movie features various scenes of Garfield ordering hot meals on-demand through his phone, watching “Catflix” on TV and binging cat videos on social media. These modernised Garfield scenes will have you thinking “Wow, Garfield is LITERALLY me!


4. A star-studded cast of actors behind the voices of the characters

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One part where The Garfield Movie is definitely not slacking is the lineup of actors! From the near-ubiquitous Chris Pratt as Garfield himself and the veteran Hollywood star Samuel L. Jackson as Vic, to the inclusion of many other famous names such as Nicholas Hoult, Harvey Guillén and even Snoop Dogg, this impressive cast brings a fresh dynamic to the characters with their comedic timing and charisma!


5. Lots of interesting trivia within and behind the movie

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Another part that might pique your interest in The Garfield Movie is the trivia surrounding the movie itself! Here are some tidbits you might wanna keep in mind as you watch The Garfield Movie:

  • Adding in some Asian representation, Hong Kong star Louis Koo Tin-lok is one of the producers of this film. Expressing adoration for the titular character, Louis Koo notes that Garfield has accompanied many people from childhood to adulthood and that this movie also witnesses the growth of Garfield and his family.
  • In a trailer for the movie, you can see a store that a kitten passes by called Lorenzo’s Music Store which is a nod to Garfield’s original voice actor Lorenzo Music.
  • The movie’s release in May 2024 coincides with the 20th anniversary of the first live-action film Garfield: The Movie (2004) as well as the 40th anniversary of the TV special Garfield in the Rough (1984).

There’s a lot more trivia that even we haven’t learned about yet. But all the more reason for everyone to check out this exciting movie, kan?

The Garfield Movie is out in cinemas now, so go catch it while they’re still playing in theatres! And to get a glimpse of how cute and funny this movie is gonna be, check out the trailer below!:

For more information on The Garfield Movie, visit Sony Pictures Malaysia’s website and follow them on their social media pages:


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