Malaysians aren’t the…best drivers and it’s a well-known fact. The least we can do is have some manners and be more considerate while driving especially during the morning rush when everyone’s in a hurry to get to the office.
Today, a video has gone viral on the Info Roadblock JPJ/Polis Facebook page which shows a car identified to be a Mazda CX3 using the emergency lane and cutting across other cars recklessly this morning approximately at 8.20am.

The Mazda cut into traffic and even applied a sudden brake, causing the car behind to almost collide into it. All these misdeeds did NOT go unnoticed as just a few metres in the front, the traffic police stood valiantly and asked the Mazda to pull to the side.

Netizens chimed in with their comments which mostly had one theme, PADAN MUKA! (Serves them right!)

“I hate drivers like these the most. Thankful for policemen like these.”

“Salute PDRM. Serves you right for getting the fine.”

“Thank you PDRM. You can perhaps stop the other cars for them to watch the Mazda owner getting an “appreciation letter”. We congratulate the receiver.”
Remember, everyone is in a rush in the morning. However, that does not give you a free pass to drive recklessly and if you still wish to continue doing so, as the situation above, a heavy fine awaits.
Also read: Watch: Red Bezza Overtakes Cars On Two-Way Road But Gets Into Horrific Accident