Are you looking to shake up your weekends and discover new ways to enjoy whisky? From this October to November, Monkey Shoulder, the free-spirited, fun-loving blended...
Australia is not always thought of in the history of whisky productions that has been dominated by the Europeans, and more recently, the Japanese. In fact,...
With Christmas, New Year, and the CNY holidays coming up, we finally get to take a break from work and make time for our hobbies. Film...
As alcohol noobs, the only whisky we’ve ever had was in cocktails or in shots at a party that you down as fast as you can...
It’s without a doubt that our love for Malaysian street food in hawker stalls and warungs will never ever falter. But, sometimes it’s also worth taking...
It’s super tempting for couples in Malaysia to see each other in person, but fortunately, many are still smart enough to practise social distancing and do...
Chivas Regal Malaysia has launched a new campaign celebrating a classic serve that is synonymous with Japanese drinking culture, the Highball. With its tagline “Made in...
Interactive virtual bar and entertainment platform, Bar-United introduces its latest feature, Bar Hop, which features different themes and offerings from participating bars. Inspired by the traditional...
Smart investment by the parents! Matthew Robson from England received a bottle of Macallan single malt whisky as his birthday present every year for 28 years....
Yet another Malaysian product has made it big, and this time, it’s in the spirits category! A Malaysian whiskey has won silver in the prestigious San...
It looks like every other day there’s something new made out of durians. There’s another new durian concoction in town and it’s pretty unexpected. The Durian...
If you’re anything like us, you can’t wait for the weekend to come around so that you can unwind and relax. What better way to relieve...
No matter how tired we are, especially after work or uni, we somehow always manage to make time for a night out with friends. Need to rilek...
Given a choice, most of us prefer not to work but then reality hits us as we are faced with our bills and other commitments. Adulting...