In recent news, police made a shocking discovery of an abandoned suitcase with a foul smell, found beside a large drain in Taman Cheras Perdana. Residents...
In a recent tragic development, a Malaysian student studying in the United Kingdom has been convicted of murder after taking the life of her newborn baby....
It’s common for travellers to have a passion for collecting souvenirs from the places they visit. However, this guy seems to have mastered the art of...
18-year-old Muhammad Haikal, who is a differently-abled student at the Kepala Batas Community College, Penang, decided that his duty as a voter is so important that...
Malaysia may be enduring political and other social turmoil that’s causing many to lose faith in our country, but it will always be home to most...
UPDATE: AirAsia has updated their cabin baggage policy as of 7 July 2020, where passengers will be allowed two (2) pieces of cabin baggage (cabin bag...
In the latest update of the brutal murder that shook the nation… Two siblings who are only aged 19 and 25 were arrested as they have...
How could someone do such a disgusting thing? Inhumane acts like this are the reason why women have cause to fear for their lives. A female...
How did this man think he could get away with murder by shifting the blame to someone who doesn’t even exist? A man recently butchered his...
Whoa, this is really unexpected! Breaking up with your significant other is usually a rather heart-wrenching process but for this couple, they ended their relationship differently....
If you often fly when you travel, chances are you’ve had one of your expensive luggage bags coming out from the carousel looking like this. PS:...
India saw a rather harrowing murder due to greed and money just recently. A woman shot her husband dead and stuffed his 6-foot-3-inches tall body in...