Looks like this is another good reason to start working out and get those six-pack abs that you have always dreamt about! Recently, a former gym...
Remember to take good care of your health, everyone! In our fast-paced society, many of us tend to neglect our health and well-being, which can be...
It’s very important to take care of your personal hygiene and that includes changing your clothes regularly! We probably shouldn’t have to tell you these, though....
We often think nothing of storing our food and fruits in the fridge to be eaten at a later period but do be careful about how...
You might want to think twice before deciding to indulge in that supper, everyone! A recent study published in the International Journal of Cancer on July...
Canned sardines are a vital part of a Malaysian household. After all, they come in handy whenever we want to make a quick meal after a...
These supporters are straight up hooligans! A middle-aged man recently got bashed up badly after he had placed two PKR flags on the table in a...
Last week, a doctor issued a warning to the general public after a woman had to go to the emergency room when she ate a packet...
Check your food properly before you eat them, everyone! Undercooked or raw food have the potential to harbour diseases and parasites which you definitely do not...
One of the blessings of living in Malaysia is that we have plenty of public holidays all year round, and some of us tend to apply...
If you frequently experience indigestion, chances are, you’ve heard of omum water as it is a common home remedy to relieve indigestion. After all, omum is...
If you think you’ve watched every episode of Ripley’s Believe It or Not, think again because here’s a brand new ‘episode’. A group of 8 doctors...
Children tend to do extremely precarious things when not supervised properly, just like how Muhammad Darwisy, 6, and his younger brother Muhammad Adam, 4, had climbed onto...
Breaking up isn’t easy for both parties in a relationship and one can only hope that the separation is done gracefully and accepted by each person. But...
On March 6, a female green sea turtle in Thailand had to go under knife to remove 915 coins from its stomach that it had consumed...
Recently, doctors found almost 300 spherical objects inside the stomach of a toddler. Apparently, the Chinese couple had mistakenly fed ‘water babies’ to their 3-year-old daughter,...