Mayday! Mayday! If you’re thinking of cooking up some venison dishes for your hungry guests this Raya season, pay heed to this warning first! That’s because...
Last week, we learnt that Malaysian scammers in Singapore were arrested for cheating RM1.7 million from the locals there. Recently, much closer to home, another crook scammed...
It’s that time of the year again where Malaysians need to file their income tax to the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN), and a WhatsApp message...
A few days ago, one netizen posted on social media regarding his horrible experience with local gangsters who tried to con him after getting into a...
Different kinds of scam tactics are emerging everywhere these days, and loads of people still fall prey to these methods. Now, scammers have started to take...
It’s getting more common these days for people to have sugar daddies or mummies and that is entirely up to each individual whether or not they...
As we all know, iPhones are not cheap and when you opt for the highest specs, the gadget can easily cost you a kidney (okay maybe...
Have you ever come across those typing job ads on social media that offer a lucrative salary? You know, the ones that go along the lines...
Beware, city folks. There’s a new scam in town, and this time, it’s somewhat related to your air-conditioning and switch box. According to a Malaysian netizen...
Being a doctor isn’t easy. These hardworking people study so hard through medical school, and then they slave away in the hospital just to make sure...
You’ve heard of serial killers and serial rapists, now get ready for the serial bride. A recent report by Coconuts Bangkok revealed that a Thai woman...
The power of the Internet is so potent these days that it could help spread the truth like nobody’s business. Norshaheera Jamaludin was unfortunate enough to...
Scams are becoming such a rampant issue in Malaysia over the past few years. But it seem like 2017 is the year for the ultimate desperate...
Scams are becoming so rampant these days that if you ask any Malaysian, they will be sure to say that they have almost been scammed before...
It appears that we have scammers in our midst, so be wary, Maybank account holders! It’s been stated that a “Macau scam” group is currently at large...
A German who was earning his money by begging on the streets recently got deported back to his home country. However, this is no ordinary beggar....