A Malaysian father in Penang received an unexpected call from his daughter’s ex-BF, who wanted something unexpected. In his viral Facebook post, the father, Nelson shared...
Today (3 May) marks the 2nd day of Raya and by now, the ones celebrating are definitely still visiting the houses of friends & relatives for...
Please guys, make proper research before doing any purchase or transaction! A 22-year-old public university student in Malaysia yesterday (5 March 2022) lodged a police report...
Some of us enjoy watching live streams be it for shopping, news or for gameplay. However, a teenage boy in America has taken this enjoyment to...
Despite online shopping being safe for both consumers and service providers, there are those out there who take advantage of the trust given by people out...
Almost everyone with a bank account uses online banking to settle their various payments. However, getting charged for transferring to different banks is definitely one thing...